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Its been a long week. I have been busily unpacking, organizing and visiting with the new neighbors plus preparing for the bridal shower I had today. I'm glad it is over. It was a very nice shower but only six people came which was disappointing to the bride adn to myself.

I haven't been wanting to write much lately in my journal. I think part of it is because I have gotten out of the habit and the other part is, well, I have a life and I'm finally living it. I don't feel depressed. I go out and talk with my neighbors and walk in the afternoons. I am paying more attention to the dog and I don't feel so boggled by parenting. I'm keeping the house clean and straight and it feels good to get up in the morning and not have to look at boxes and messes everywhere.  I also realized that I want another child, and I wish I had that child yesterday. I'm ready. I know that I am ready and its time to get busy planning for another child. Even Jeff and Wild Child are ready to add to our family.


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