April 2, 1999

This is a simple entry. I am falling asleep because I didn't go to bed until 2am this morning. I was up talking to my sister in law(married to hubbies brother) about her wanting to leave her marriage because she is in-love with another man. I seriously can't blame her for wanting out, her husband is quite the ass. Then I got up early and did something I haven't done in awhile, WORK. Well I feel I do work, because I stay at home and raise our daughter, but today I did the bad mommy thing and let Wild Child watch videos while I cleaned out the garage. It was a disaster area, and there was trash everywhere. While I was out there I started a jar to put change into and it is already half full. I can't wait to see how much money is in it. It's a pretty good size jar too. I loaded up our truck full of stuff to take to a local charity too. After Wild Child took her nap, I started to trim the hedge and the bushes in the front yard. My arms now hurt. I really need to exercise more.

Which brings me to my shopping spree last night. I went shopping and when I saw my naked body in the dressing room mirror I wanted to scream and run to a plastic surgeon for lipo-suction. I have to be fitted for my bridesmaid dress in June so I am going on a major diet Monday and see how much weight I can drop, if any. I hate diets, and I just dread the even though of going on one. I guess I do need to exercise though, I need some motivation, wonder if I can get that in pill form.

Today is Good Friday. I really do not see why it is even called that. I know in the Christian religion this is symbolic of Jesus' death, but he died on a Wednesday not a Friday. Even they can't get their own traditions straight. Oh well. I got 100 emails or more about the death of Jesus and how he died for my sins. If you read this do not send me any, I have heard the story a million times, and I used to believe it but since my mother's death I've had serious doubts about him saving us from our sins. I know I know I'm going to go to hell and burn in the lake of fire.

Also I have been keeping my journal for almost two months and since then I have been gathering great ideas for this site and how I can improve upon it. There will be an updates index or home page soon, and the site will be better organized. I also will be working on another site to help keep distant family update with photos of my wild child and the on goings of my life. There will be a link added to the "About Me" page when it is up but there will not be a link back to here. I don't want any of those inlaws reading my journal!<BEG> I will also have a page on both sites with photos I take of graves(yes I know its morbid) and photos of my art work, especially my pottery.

Stay tuned.



