Kim's Favorite Links

Infertility Links and Fertility Awareness Links:

Fertility Awarenesss, Herbal Abortion and Herbal Conraception




Fertile Thoughts

The Red Spot

Natural Childbirth and Breastfeeding Links:

The Radical Fringe Mothering Page

The Bradley Method of Childbirth

Breastfeeding Compleat Mother Magazine


International Cesarean Awareness Network

I am a voyeur, I'm a big fan of the Real World and when I came across online journals, or diaries, I thought I had hit the jack pot. These are just a few that I read all of the time, there are many others that I read from time to time.

perplexity and redemption

a look askance

covet what was mine

who I am


the book of rob


nova notes





A Wasteland of Useless but Interesting Knowledge:

Paul Jackson Watercolors

Ship of Fools

Urban Legends

A Celebration of Women Writers

Moondance:Celebrating Creative Women

The Bible and Homosexuality

What the Bible says about abortion

Unitarian Universalist Association

Phenomenal Women of the Web

Billy McLaughlin's Official Website

Weird Sex Laws

PostFun Features

Ginny's Corner

Gentle Spirit

The Tao Te Ching

Hobby Links


Refunding Express

Refunding Makes Cents

The Virtual Shopping List

Pumpkins Freebies



Parenting and Non-Spanking Links:

The Whole Family Attachment Parenting Association

Ezzo's Babywise is Abuse!

Beth Anne Moonstone

Montessori for Mom's

The Pagan Parenting Page

Why do we spank our babies?

Would you trust this man alone with your dog?

The No-Spanking Page

The Bible and the Rod

The Family Corner

Homeschooling Pre-schoolers

The Natural Child Project

Pagan/Goddess Sites:

The Library of Witchcraft

Welcome to the Old Craft

The Pagan Directory