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August 1, 1999

Listening to the Indigo Girls.


What I've been doing this weekend?

Packing, and fighting with my asshole husband.


Why I am writing at 2 am in the morning? I can't sleep after seeing The Blair Witch Project.


Why I haven't been updating?

Extremely busy and really stressed out.


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Yesterday's Entry

Tomorrow's Entry


Tonight I went and saw The Blair Witch Project with my friend Stacy and Erin. The theater was packed with people, of all ages and of all kinds. The weirdos really came out to see this movie, and I was fortunate enough to sit by one and his girlfriend. They seemed nice enough, but they were smelling like they had just had one to many drinks before showing up at the theater. I guess I should feel glad that they were watching a movie instead of behind the wheel of a car.

IF you have not seen this movie, book mark this entry and return at a later date after you have seen it because I'm going to talk about why I thought this movie was good and why I can't sleep.


I got home a few hours ago and after packing and cleaning all day I'm exhausted but I can't go to sleep. Everytime I close my eyes I see Mike standing (or hanging) in the corner, the image is imprinted into my mind and I can't get it to leave. The Blair Witch Project has totally freaked me out and even though I know it is not a true story, the realism of it all has put a new meaning to fear of the unknown.

I got literally sick during the movie. I got a headache and nauseous. The shaking of the cameras gave me a feeling of motion sickness, the anticipation as to what would happen next caused my head to hurt. Every night Josh, Mike, and Heather spent in the woods I felt tense and I just knew doom was around every corner. I screamed, literally, at them for their stupidity, and for getting lost. I was terrified out of my wits. It was like no other horror film I have ever seen. It was so real, it was so personal, and it was like how life really is. I was reminded of my days in college and the aspiritatins of doing something different and exciting and then the terror that this might have been real, could be true haunted me.

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