november 1999





Reading: Traveling Brochures for Orlando

Eating: Bean Burritos

Drinking: Sprite

Listening: The kitties playing in the dining         room




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a late night entry.

I can't sleep, a million things are going on in my head about this trip, Jeff's schedule and us trying to get pregnant. Jeff was at his advisors this afternoon and they offered him a teaching position when he graduates at the university. I think it is really great that they extended that kind of offer to him, but to be honest with you the money is shit. He was told that two semesters the pay was $35-40,000 a year, and that is teaching four classes. I guess with the holidays, discounts, and the benefits the state has to offer the offer could sound appealing, but the whole point of him going to school was for him to get out of teaching which he claims he hates and to work at something would love and make more money at. He was also told that if he worked the summer semester he would make 28% above the normal rate of pay. He said its not something he really wants do but he said it was there should he need it and we figured that the rate of pay was actually more than what most jobs are offering around here. The only thing that I could see that could really be beneficial of him teaching at a college would be that he could get back to his music and playing his horn, but there isn't a whole lot Mobile could offer him in that department either.

I'm in the mindset of wanting to move again. I know, I know, we just built this house and things are going pretty well here but I 'm ready for a geographical change. I really want to move to Texas, I really enjoyed my time in Houston minus my mother dying there. Another place I would like to live is California, just for a short time, not for forever. I think I just want the experience of living there, not to mention I think I would fit in there and there are many journalers I read out that way. Jeff is partial to Boston because he went to Berkeley College of Music, but the cost of living is high and it gets cold as hell but he thinks I would enjoy the art and music culture there. I guess this is something we shouldn't even be thinking about until after he graduates.

I'm feeling sleepy now and Jeff is calling for me to come to bed. nite.